I think it’s safe to say I did not expect this month to turn out the way it did. May started out with me adding a bit too much onto my plate, and is no ending with a mad scramble to find a last minute space to host my book launch party.
If you’re not already aware, The Comic Book Shoppe is unexpectedly closing their Bank Street location by the end of the month, leaving me without a space for my launch party / night market on June 1st. In the past week, I have researched / reached out to almost 30 different businesses and event spaces. Many of them are already booked. And out of the handful that got back to me, I’ve got three maybes. At this point, whoever gets back to me with a “yes” will be the venue I go with, so fingers crossed someone gets back to me with their final answer soon.

The stress, exhaustion, and drain on my time and resources means that I am behind in almost all of my monthly goals.
- I’m very delayed in writing GOATS and will not be done draft 1 by the end of the month
- I’ve made no progress at all on Flasher
- I’ve finished reading only 3 out of 10 books this month (hoping I can get to 4 or 5 by the end of next week)
- I’m behind on my beta reading for one of the two authors who reached out to me at the beginning of the month

Although I like the idea of goal setting at the start of each month, I have to admit that my life is a bit too chaotic and unexpected for strict goals. This has not been the first month this year where unexpected occurrences have thrown a wrench in my plans. It reminds me of the time I told my therapist about everything that had happened since we last spoke. She said “You went through all that in a week? That’s a lot for one person to go through in a month and you did that all in a week!” I think that sums up my life pretty well. Especially right now.
But it’s not all bad news. On May 20th, I reached my 2024 Book Purge fundraising goal much sooner than expected and shaved my head! This year, I’ve managed to raise $1015 for the Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue, and donated a sizeable amount of hair to Chai Lifeline Canada. I’m also up to 20 households that have donated books. I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish through The Book Purge – I have so many plans for future fundraising. Plus, since we hit the fundraising goal so fast, I’m curious to see if that amount can be doubled before the end of the year. Fingers crossed!