As this was my first full calendar year, I decided to apply to EVERYTHING within my reach. Markets, conventions, author events, speaking engagements… I even hosted and volunteered at a number of fundraising events for the Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue. So, what did I learn from saying “yes” to everything that came my way…
- Most importantly, I learned where my books do well. As much as I love writing and want to keep doing it until I die, I have also made this my career and I need to treat it like a business. I now know where in the city my target audience congregates and what types of events they’ll show up to. This will also help me to plan future launch parties as I intend to host more events like the one I did for Skull Daddy.
- I learned where The Book Purge does well. Whereas some art markets draw in the generous, cat loving crowds, there were other events where the only people interested in The Purge were those looking to get a discount. The purpose of the fundraiser is not to sell cheap books, but to raise money for cats in need, so I need to focus on events where The Purge will succeed.
- My body cannot handle another year like this one – I am exhausted. I hit burnout in October, I’m having flareups, the brain-fog is ever present, and the executive dysfunction has taken charge. I learned so much this year, and so many good things happened, but I did not prioritize my health. That needs to change. I’ll be putting a cap on the amount of events and engagements I say yes to each month. I will only say “yes” to extra things during October and July as those were the two months when I had the most successful events this year. That way, I will have a better chance of preventing burnout, and I’ll still have the time (and energy) I need to write and edit.
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I need to make more time for friends and family. This year, I joined Aftermarket and Ottawa Horror Club, which have been great ways to combine work and play (mostly play). But I also need to set aside time each month for the important people in my life. I’m still mad at myself for doing exactly what I said I wouldn’t – I booked a 2 day market on Mark’s birthday weekend and I feel like a horrible wife for doing that. I know Mark loves and supports me, so I need to show him the same amount of love and support in return.
Thank you to everyone – artists, organizers, and authors – who welcomed me into some of the fabulous Ottawa communities this year. And thank you to my friends and family who have stuck by me every step of the way. This was a year of learning and I look forward to putting all of these lessons into practice going forward.
Stay Spooky!