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Yarn Monster’s Year In Review

Well, although 2017 has ended on a low note for me (I just found out that my cold turned into bronchitis – yay…), this past year has been very eventful.  There has been a lot of good and bad, but overall I would have to say that this has been a good year for me.

Something I really needed to improve in 2017 was my health – specifically my allergies.  Come pollination time for my top allergens I was always pretty miserable, but the worst for me was cats.  My boyfriend has two lovable and snuggly cats that I absolutely adore, but even with antihistamines I was having problems.  Now, there are different allergy solutions for everyone (so all I can do is recommend what worked for me – my opinion is nowhere near professional medical advice), but I’ve been taking allergy shots for the past few months.  Although I still have a long way to go, I can now have up-close and personal snuggles with Max ans Minerva.  And as long as the two of them continue to express an interest in my cosplays (specifically, they want my yarn), I’m almost certain that more of the work in progress pics posted to my Facebook page will involve cats.

My cosplays for 2017 revolved mostly around different incarnations of the Doctor as my goal for the year was to get photographs and autographs from the Doctor Who actors who showed up at conventions this year.  I had the pleasure of meeting Peter Capaldi, David Tenant, Matt Smith, and then as a little bonus I got to meet Arrow‘s Stephen Amell as well.  This year I wore a mix of new and old cosplays, and (apart from the various incarnations of the doctor) my new ones included Scarecrow, Jar Jar, and my first ever couples cosplay with my boyfriend when we dressed up as Kronk and Yzma.  This year I went to more conventions and cosplay events than I have ever done in a single year before, and all for a mix of reasons: volunteering, chasing down photo-ops and autographs, and just going for fun.  For 2018 I plan on re-wearing Nightcrawler and Jar Jar, and I will be debuting at least 2 new cosplays: Abe Sapien and Professor Trelawney.  I’ll have to cut back on the conventions a little in 2018, as 2017 got pretty chaotic and expensive, but I am really looking forward to all that the 2018 conventions have to offer.

Another big event for 2017 was that I started this blog!  I have spent more than half the year taking steps to get me to where I want to be in terms of my career goals.  I have recently taken on a part time job on top of my current full time job in the meantime, but I have been working hard to get into my desired field of work and creating this blog was the first step!  I have a lot lined up for 2018 in order to help me further my career goals, such as training courses to learn/improve useful skills, and plans for more and more blog posts.  I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I am confident I can make some serious progress this year.

The absolute biggest event of 2017 for me was that just a few weeks ago I finally got to move in with my boyfriend.  We now live with a wonderful roommate and total of four adorable pets (3 cats and 1 dog).  I couldn’t be happier!  I am thrilled to be living with the man I love and so far the co-habitation is going very well (apart from the fact that I have probably given him my bronchitis).  With everything that has happened this year, I could not have gotten through 2017 without him and I look forward to spending 2018 with him.

That’s my year in a nutshell.  This has probably been one of the busiest years of my life and overall I would have to say that  although it has been a stressful year, I am happy with all that I have accomplished and overcome.  I look forward to everything 2018 has to offer!  Hope everyone else has a great year!

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