I can’t believe October is over already. The spooky season didn’t last long enough and I didn’t get through all of the horror movies I wanted to watch before Halloween. Oh well. I guess that means I have to get back to my other interests then. Or I could just keep watching horror movies until my brain melts. Both are good options. But for now, let’s turn our attention away from the spooky and towards the mystical as I take a look at how the October tarot prediction measured up.

Now, let’s remind ourselves of what that prediction was:
October: Queen of Scepters – Katherine of Aragon (Reversed): Narcissism, isolation, and selfishness – oh boy! This seems to point towards someone who may be weak willed, procrastinating, directionless, hysterical, unpredictable, or scattered. It also indicates that your ambitions may be frustrated, or you don’t have the right opportunity to show off your abilities.
And how accurate was it?
Let’s break this down.
Perhaps there was a little more isolation in my life as I hunkered down into my work. I had so many healthcare related appointments this month that it ate up a lot of my time and I ended up with a lot of half work days – which I tried to make up for. And the exhaustion that came from said appointments (as well as trying to scrape together extra working hours) certainly led to a significant amount of procrastination when I got close to burning out. To make matters worse, that last sentence is the most accurate of all. As with my other books, I hit delays in getting They See Me published, which absolutely left me frustrated as there are still unexpected barriers preventing me from showing off my latest work to the world. But I’ve come to terms with the less than ideal circumstances and I’m working my way through them as best I can. Really, that’s all I can do right now.
Now that October’s done and out of the way, the prediction for November isn’t looking too good. Here’s hoping I make it through the month without any catastrophes. Wish me luck!