It’s done! It’s over! Soon, 2021 will be nothing but a distant memory. This rollercoaster year with all it’s ups and downs was both wonderful and terrible, and now it’s over. But I can’t push it aside completely until I tie up a few loose ends. It’s time to see how December 2021 measures up against last year’s tarot reading.

Now, let’s remind ourselves of what that prediction was.
December: VII of Coins (Reversed): This card promises worries about money and theft, anxiety, and complications that never seem to end. It also mentions that commitments could feel more like burdens than goals. Sure sounds like the holiday season to me.
And how accurate was it?
Kind of.
Let’s break this down.
Worries about money are a no brainer. I lost my job at the beginning of the pandemic, and money’s been a little tighter ever since. But now I have the added bonus of putting money into my business – self-publishing can get expensive. And December involves holiday spending, of course. Oh, and all the usual bills are added on top. So seeing that this card promised money worries really did not surprise me. And those complications that never seem to end? Well, December was actually a much better month for me than November. But seeing as I have an anxiety disorder, I’m always one mishap away from spiraling out of control, convincing myself that things are only getting worse. Not healthy, I know, but I’m working on it. But that last part of the prediction is not accurate at all (thank goodness). Commitments did not feel like burdens, and I was really enthusiastic about my goals. Now, I was tired and in need of time off over the holidays, so it was a watered down enthusiasm, but I was excited nonetheless.
So yes, December had it’s anxiety inducing moments, but overall it was a very good month for me. Especially compared to November.
There’s only one more month left on that birthday tarot reading – and then it’s time to start it all over again. January is off to a great start so far! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me.