I’m neck deep in edits right now, sifting my way through pages and pages of notes from my beta readers, trying to make my third short story collection as good as it can possibly be. And if you’ve read some of my other blog posts, or seen my social media posts, you already know that some of the stories in the collection need a bit of an overhaul.
Okay, a lot of an overhaul.
Changes in each individual story inevitably leads to changes in the collection, and the first big change is the title. Re-Awakening is no more. Now, the collection will be called Coping Mechanism and Other Disturbing Stories. The theme of awakening/reawakening will still be present in the collection, but I’m now shifting focus to coping mechanisms (or lack thereof). How do we cope (or not) when things go horribly wrong? I’m looking forward to exploring this question in the stories that I’ll be doing re-writes on.
As of today, there is a new placeholder cover up on my website (and the new back-of-book description is coming soon). Now that I’m shifting gears with this collection, I think it’s time to change my ideas for the cover art and design too. Good thing I still haven’t made any final decisions on that front yet. Back to square one for the cover art, I guess.
Note: If you’re one of my beta readers, the paint cans on my placeholder cover should bring back some unpleasant memories. You’re welcome.
Stay tuned for more updates on this “new” short story collection. And if you want exclusive updates and sneak peeks, sign up to my newsletter. You’d better hurry – Coping Mechanism will be coming to a eBook retailer near you in the summer of 2022.