I knew May was going to be a busy month even when it was still April, but I did not expect just how crazy and chaotic the month would be for me. I fell behind in some goals, got ahead in others, and overall had a lot on my plate. When I was preparing for this blog post, I was shocked when I read what the tarot prediction for May had been all the way back in January when I did the reading.
Now, let’s remind ourselves of what that prediction was.

May: V of Chalices: This card suggests suffering, anger, or grief. There may be disappointment, despair, loss, sorrow, or obsession over something that went wrong. The silver lining in this is that although a blunder could be serious, it is not irreversible.
And how accurate was it?
Scary accurate.
Let’s break this down.
If you follow me on social media, you probably already know about a significant loss I experienced near the end of May. When that massive storm came to Ottawa, my place of work was hit by a tornado and the building was condemned. Suddenly, I found myself out of work with no idea when I’d be back. If this was any of my previous part-time jobs, I would have relished this kind of break from work (financial stresses aside). But not with this job.
If I have to work a day job in order to pursue my dream of writing full time, then this is the one I intend to stick with. I enjoy the work, so I have no plans to leave or hunt for other work. But most importantly, I love the people. Surrounding myself with creative individuals during the work day has been fantastic for my own creativity. And since I enjoy being around my co-workers, I have missed them terribly during this unexpected time off.
This catastrophe also led to some other challenges for me. Without my usual daily routine, and with all the extra stress and uncertainty going on, I have found it hard to sit down and write like I usually do. The executive dysfunction is coming in strong, and I am doing everything in my power to fight it. But deep down, I know that I still need to be kind to myself because there is so much out of my control and I am doing the best I can to get by.
Between the uncertainty of when I will be returning to work, and continuously researching all things self-publishing (i.e. crowdfunding), I have decided to set up a Ko-Fi account to help raise funds to put towards editing and cover design costs. If you enjoy any of the free content that I post each week on my blog or social media, consider donating or sharing. And as always, book reviews on Goodreads and eBook retailers are extremely helpful and always welcome.

To those of you who have supported me throughout my self-publishing journey, thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do. I would not be able to do what I do without my readers, my fellow writers, and my friends and family.
Fingers crossed June will be kinder to me than May was!