February was busy, stressful, and emotional, and I am ready to move on to March. But in the midst of everything that happened, Mark and I still made time for each other – this year was the first year we ever made solid plans for Valentine’s Day (as opposed to the half a plan during our first year together). I cannot describe how wonderful it is to have someone like that in my life – someone who not only supports me in all I do, but pushes me to do what I need to. It was Mark who convinced me to alter my weekly schedule to allow for more writing time, and I am incredibly thankful for that. But before we move on to March, it’s time to look back at the tarot reading for February.
Now, let’s remind ourselves of what that prediction was.

February: Queen of Sceptres: This card suggests someone who is strong and self confident. If she feels doubt, she doesn’t show it. When you know you’re right, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Not a bad way to start my 33rd year!
And how accurate was it?
Fairly accurate.
Let’s break this down.
Between having multiple people asking when Coping Mechanism was coming out, and some very successful editing days on other projects, I felt on top of the world when it came to my writing and publishing. Although there were some low moments throughout the month, that never discouraged me. If anything, it lit a fire under my ass to push harder when it came to the goals that matter the most to me. After everything I’ve been through this past month, I am ready to tackle everything March throws my way.