Catch-Up Time: My June Writing Update

After spending so much time focusing on the Skull Daddy Launch Party, I knew I had to make June a catch-up month. I fell behind on the (borderline unrealistic) goals I had set for myself, so I had to set new writing and editing goals. I’ve come up with a more relaxed schedule that will still allow me to publish my WIPs when I want to, and that will help prevent me from overworking myself and worrying about those pesky self-imposed deadlines.

With GOATS, I felt like I was rushing myself with the first draft. And since I probably won’t publish that story until 2026, my deadline for finishing draft 1 was (in retrospect) very rushed. The more I write for that project, the more deep, dark emotions I discover. Throughout this particular writing process, I’ve discovered things I never thought would show up in the story. This depressing folk-horror tale is so layered and complex that I really want to give it the proper attention it deserves. I’ve been taking my time with each chapter, making sure it meets my standards and conveys everything I want it to. I am so in love with this beautiful piece that I cannot wait to see how it evolves over the writing and editing process.

My main editing goal for the month was my first read-through edit of Modern Hauntings. Either my writing is getting stronger, or I struck gold with this idea because very little needed to be changed in this round of edits and I sped through the process. And even though I know everything that happens, I still felt my heart racing during some of the more intense chapters. I know this is one project that will need a little extra care in the editing stages as I will require sensitivity readers, so I’m pleased that I’m ahead of schedule on this one.

And, due to popular demand, I’ve started brainstorming a new project. That’s right – people love Skull Daddy so much that they’re asking for a sequel! I never intended this story to get so big, but I’m happy things have turned out this way. Since this will be my first time writing a sequel, I’m going to put more care into the planning than I typically do. (Yes, I will be abandoning my pantser impulses to write an outline). But I’ve come up with some horrific new scenes and characters I can do horrible things to. I’m really excited to start writing this one. And yes, I have a working title, but I won’t be sharing that one just yet so, as always, stay tuned for updates!

Happy reading, and stay spooky.

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