Art: A Flasher Story

Don’t ask me where these ideas come from. Sometimes, even I don’t know. This piece of flash fiction started out as a dark and twisted thought deep within my brain. And since I re-watched Terrifier 3 for Xmas this year, this story about a different kind of bloody Art felt like the right choice for this month’s Flasher installment.

If you are squeamish, and/or do not like reading horror stories that involve eye trauma, please DO NOT proceed.

You have been warned.

~ ~ ~

The human body is a masterpiece. Such a complex design, and such rich colours. A piece of art in and of itself. But I know I can do better. I can make it into something even more beautiful.

I dip my paintbrush in the mangled eye socket first. Deep reds with a glossy sheen that comes from what once was inside the eye. Fluids and jellies I’ve never bothered to learn the proper names of.

The body screamed when I took out its eye, but the screams stopped as I swirled a metal rod around to mix the colour. It remained silent, barely breathing, barely conscious, as I prepared the rest of my palette. There are other nooks and crannies to explore.

The first stroke on the empty canvas is thick, viscous. The light catches it just so, bringing warmth to the stark, white background.

This will be my finest work yet.

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