Another Reading List “Failure”? Maybe Not…

After absolutely killing it when it came to my reading goals in September, I didn’t finish reading a single book in October. But you know what? That’s okay.

According to my Goodreads stats, I’ve already completed my 2022 reading challenge, so everything else at this point is a bonus. But does that mean I’m going to take it easy and not read anything else for the rest of the year? No! But it does mean I don’t have an excuse to give myself a hard time if I don’t finish a book.

Whereas conditions in September were perfect for binge reading, October was filled with obstacles. Due to my Spooktober movie marathon, I prioritized movies over books – which is okay. But getting that covid brain fog early in the month also meant I had a hard time keeping my attention focused on the page. To make matters worse, after getting at the beginning of the month, I was more prone to fatigue and motion sickness during the commute to/from work. I do most of my reading on the bus, so that threw a wrench in my reading plans.

But taking care of myself is more important than finishing a book. And as I find myself getting sick (again) while trying to juggle work and NaNoWriMo, I keep having to remind myself that it’s not the end of the world if I don’t finish reading the Stephen King novel I’m trying to get through in under a week.

There are no failures when it comes to a reading list.

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